Living in the twenty first century is a hectic, fast-paced, and stressful experience for many of us. Trying to juggle work, family, and social lives is a constant pressure with very little time for chilling out and relaxing. Finding time for self-care can be challenging, especially when as women, we have been taught to put everyone else’s needs before our own. Here are some ideas to help you look after you, even when you are on the go:
Stretching the body is so good for you and it only takes a minute. Stretching helps to maintain your body’s flexibility, can help release toxins from the body, and increase blood circulation. Try range-of-motion stretches such as shoulder shrugs, wrist and ankle rotations and straightening and bending the knees. Do this for all your joints. You may find you are able to move with less stiffness and pain as a result. You can do any of these simple stretch exercises as you sit in a traffic jam, wait at the supermarket checkout or while you are on the phone.
Whenever you feel stressed, take a few minutes to just breathe. Breathing is something you can focus on at any time. Contrary to what your mother might have told you, don’t “Take a deep breath.” Science tells us that breathing in increases the stress response while breathing out helps to relax us.
Try breathing in for two and out for four. Exhale all the way out and allow your body to breathe in when it is ready. Let the breath find its way into your lower belly. This is the relaxed way to breathe.
Practice relaxation regularly. This helps alleviate your stress levels, and when you are relaxed, your mind will slow down and you will not think such worrisome thoughts. You will feel peaceful and calm. Progressive muscle relaxation is a good way to start: Clench your toes for 7 seconds, and then release.
Move onto the next muscle group, i.e., calf muscles, clench for 7 seconds and then release. Work your way round the entire body in this fashion. Notice how different you feel now compared to when you started the exercise.
Be Grateful
Research shows that people, who regularly practice gratitude experience greater life satisfaction, have increased levels of happiness and are less prone to depression. An attitude of gratitude can improve sleep and bring about a feeling of contentment, as opposed to a sense of emptiness, hopelessness, longing, and constant dissatisfaction encouraged by our materialistic society, which tells us, we can never, ever have enough. You can say your “thankyous” silently to yourself as you go throughout your day. Make sure you really feel a sense of gratitude.
Stay In The Moment
Mindfulness is a form of meditation practiced in Buddhism, but you don’t need to subscribe to any religious or philosophical belief system in order to practice it and gain the benefits. Mindfulness is the art of staying in the present moment, without worrying about the future or obsessing over the past.
Some aids to helping you stay centered in the present moment include focusing on the breath, the experience and sensation of breathing gently in and out, or using the five senses to keep you rooted in your present moment experience.
Pamper Yourself
Don't feel guilty about taking time out for yourself and pampering yourself. Even if it's only 15 minutes, it is imperative for your to take care of yourself.
Final Thoughts
All of these tools can be incorporated into your busy day, whenever you have a moment or even as you go about your daily tasks. Take a 30-second break from your desk and do some stretches; remember at any time to breathe and to stay mindfully focused on the task at hand. Learn to feel grateful for all the riches in your life and you will become calmer and more relaxed.
When you are stuck in a situation you cannot change, try the muscle relaxing technique. With a little dedication, you will have created a self-care routine that doesn’t take time away from all your responsibilities, and you will feel so much happier for making the effort.